It's a wonderful collection of recipes from people who wanted to help out after the Victorian bushfires earlier this year. The contributers include well known chefs such as Margaret Fulton and Greg Malouf along with families, homecooks and craft bloggers that you probably know including Kate, Lara and me! It's pretty damn cool to have my name listed alongside Ms Fulton's and Mr Malouf's!
Half the copies of Homemade will be given as gifts to those affected by the bushfires, while the other half will be sold and the money raised donated to the Salvation Army. Currently I have the apple and sultana cake by Leonie in the oven and it smells divine! It should be perfect for morning tea tomorrow.
You can order your copy of Homemade here
Edit: My contributions to the book included my quick mix chocolate and coconut cake and my beans and rice. Thanks for the reminder Ann!
And I haven't forgotten about my Italy photos - they are coming soon!
But you didn't tell us what your contribution was! Guess we have to buy the book then? Ann :)
I'll fix that up now Ann!
Hey tell me your individual contribution. I like to knowabout it......
Thanks for the thumbs up, Renee...I've just preordered one as it is for such a good cause, and with you being in the company of such culinary greats, I'm sure that no matter what your contribution is, it will be great too!!!
Thanks for visiting my blog - now I have found you! I have a sneaky feeling I heard about this book. Will have to check it out. For a good cause, and all! :)
How exciting to be published.
Just got my copy today - it is such a great idea and a great book!
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