I spent the 3 weekends prior to Easter in Melbourne, and while I love flying, I was so very tired come the long weekend. I was so glad to be able to enjoy the 4 days at home in Sydney and my husband was very lovely and left me to spend much of my time at my sewing machine.
For a while now, I have been a huge fan of
Kellie's work (
Don't look now). When the latest issue of Homespun arrived last week featuring Kellie's "
Meg's Garden" on the cover, I was inspired to have another go at some free motion quilting.
I had a
go at free motion quilting a little while ago and, while I don't think I was Too bad at it(!), I haven't had much of a play since. So I made myself up a little quilt sandwich and off I went - and I was pretty happy with the result! Although not having a "needle down" function on my machine was a pain in the A*%!
On Saturday, we dropped past The Remnant Warehouse on our way to do some shopping and I picked up some Helmar Quilt Basting Spray. My most hated part of quilting is the basting and I have been sorely tempted by these sprays for a while. Now I am wondering why I didn't buy it earlier!!
I decided to try out my new spray on a quilt that I could also practice my free motion quilting on. So, it was Sampson's quilt that I used - a quilt top I had put together a while ago so that I could practice triangles.
I was a little sceptical when I first put the quilt sandwich together, I wasn't sure if the spray would hold it firmly enough. However, while it moved a little (perhaps I didn't use enough?), it was SOOOOO much better than putting it all together with safety pins. And after just an afternoon of sewing, I had basted, quilted and bound Sampson's quilt! I was thrilled!
I took the quilt into the lounge room to show off to my husband, and while I layed it down next to him to show him, Sampson jumped straight onto it! He must have known it was for him!
yes, Sampson is a rather large cat :)
my rather large, free motion 'meander'After finishing Sampson's quilt, I felt so inspired to keep sewing. What often stops me starting new quilting projects, is the fact that it takes me so long to finish them. I can get a quilt top finished without a problem, but actually completing them and turning them into usuable quilts... well I am just terrible at that.
So, inspired by
this quilt, and
this one too - I got started with some material I purchased a while ago. This will be a quilt for our lounge room. Something for us to snuggle under as winter takes
I got all my pieces cut...
and 10 blocks pieced...
Only 26 more to go!