Finally working out Skype and having an hour long face to face chat with my sister last night - yay!
A weekend in the Blue Mountains this weekend for some relaxation and some exploring (although not our first choice, see my NOT list below)
Tetsuya's marinated Crystal bay prawns - seriously yummy! All the food was yummy, but the 10 course matching wine menu had me feeling a little worse for wear yesterday! I'm glad I finally used my K.Rudd stimulus money though - having it sitting in a little envelope at home for so long was tempting me to spend it elsewhere!
Having arts and craft nights with my new workmates (interspersed with the occasional cooking night!). It's nice to make friends with people with similar interests.
The ever rising Australian dollar. Not good for our exports, but good for material shopping from the
Coming up to our long awaited weekend in the Hunter Valley and finding out our accomodation has been double booked, and given to the other people. Plus, there is a big event on there that weekend and we couldn't get any other accomodation - grrr! So, Blue Mountains it is...
The price of hairdressers when you live in the inner city. I refuse to pay $180 for colour only... Au naturel will suit me just fine thanks.
The few weeks left before Christmas - I haven't even made my Christmas cake, let alone any presents!
Not having anyone to go see New Moon with. I will be strong and head in on my own (although I suspect I could probably convince a workmate to see it a second time!)
More hot + not lists