We're half way through the week again!? These weeks are flying by... It's going to be Christmas soon (eek!)
Stitching! I have definitely gotten back into the stitching groove this week and have done a few hand projects on the train. And last night I got started on a present for my "little sister". Her bedroom is bright pink and green so hopefully this will match!
Glee - I am a Gleek. I admit it. I love the satire. I love Sue. It makes me laugh so much because the humour is so very wrong - love it!
Finally having the courage to make my own designs...
A husband with a new BBQ book. He asked if he could cook me a BBQ on the weekend- Sure thing!
Deadlines - I have to get my SSCS present for Chookyblue's swap finished and sent in just over 2 weeks! I can't keep putting it off and the deadline has dragged me to my sewing machine - which isn't all that bad really!
Colds. I had Monday and half of Tuesday off work this week. I am still feeling pretty rotten, but I have too many things that I am in the middle of at work to take any more time off. Although being able to watch the full first season of Grey's Anatomy on Monday was fun!
Hot weather and Sydney's trains - they just don't mix. Disgusting.
Being the only one in blog land not solely using designer fabric!? Am I the only one who still buys material from Spotlight or other small fabric stores that doesn't necessarily have a Moda or Free Spirit label on it? Will people scoff if I join a quilting bee and send non-designer fabric for them to use? Only if I really love a range will I buy some - hence the woodland bloom fabric used in my project above. But I can't afford to constantly buy and only use the expensive stuff. This is one reason I love Crazy Mom Quilts, this lady is great at being thrifty. She uses cheap Ikea bedsheets as quilt backings and even for sashing - genious!
Do you have a hot + not list? There are more here...
Hello Renee
As long as you put 100% cotton fabric with 100% cotton fabric, you love the fabrics you use and what you make, and your skills keep growing, I don't see any reason for scoffing. I love your lists.
hi, just thought i'd comment on your buying 'cheaper' fabrics from spotlight and the like. when i was first taught to quilt, it was drummed into my head to only purchase quality fabrics from patchwork stores,because if it didn't have a moda, or the like tag on it, it was inferior. not so! for years i avoided cheaper fabrics like the plague, until one day i dared to step over that line and take a look at what spotlight had to offer. i was pleasantly surprised! you can always tell a quality fabric by the feel and by holding it up to the light. and the range spotlight now carries is awesome, compared to what they used to sell. so keep buying your cheaper stuff. as long as you like it, and it's quality 100% cotton, who cares if it doesn't have a brand name attached to it. while the designer stuff is gorgeous, and yes, i do still purchase it, remember, we are also paying for the name. there is still a lot of pretty 'cheaper 'stuff out there too.
julie :)
good to hear you forced to work on your sscs..........lol............so am i.......lol.........
I still find some fabrics at spotlight........got to pick and choose though some are better then others........but I HATE going there as usually it is such a mess with things everywhere and the service is ZERO........I don't have 1/2 hour to wait at the counter to be served......it is never a quick shop........mind you it is several hours away too.......
See my next project in Homespun. Background fabric is white with a green spot from Spotlight xx
Hi Renee,
Oh...dont you love watching entire seasons at once...I am heavily into season 3 of Brothers and Sisters....great way to do some stitching too!!
I love to shop at Spotlight and can walk to it from my home!! Lucky I know - And I love blogs that are not only promoting designers and stuff - so keep up the good work! Whats more apple pies taste just as good when using woolies apples as opposed to organic one.....
I buy my fabrics from Spotlight and all over the place. So long as it's quality 100% cotton. Hope you are feeling better soon. Ann :)
Such good jam! We love the raspberry and have recently branched out into the delicious blueberry as well. too good. xx
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