Look what arrived in the mail yesterday

And look who is on the mailbag page!!

I recieved an email a little while ago telling me that Kangaruby and my platypi would be appearing on the mailbag page of Australian Homespun magazine! It is so exciting to see my name and my homemade gifts in my favourite magazine! Today I went to the post office to pick up my prize. Seeing as though it was a Christmas in July issue of the magazine, my prize had a Christmas theme - 2 beautiful books full of Christmas patterns, a Christmas pattern from the Rivendale Collection and 2 packs of gorgeous glittery threads! Lucky I LOVE Christmas!

The book Comfort and Joy is exactly the type of book I love and has some gorgeous projects in it - I can't wait to start on some!

Arn't these angels cute!

Lately however, my sewing has been very very frustrating. It seems I have forgotten how to quilt! I have quilted ok before - never great, but always passable, but this is just awful. I am so frustrated and dissapointed -and it wasn't just this one that was bad. I think I will start looking for a quilting service in Inner Sydney (any suggestions?)... Or maybe I finally need to give in and do some classes to figure out what I am doing wrong.

Apart from my attrocious quilting, I have just finished a new bag to take on my holiday . I am so proud of myself - this is completely designed by ME! Even I can't believe it turned out ok! I even put a zip closure on the top - my first ever zip.

Speaking of our trip, our plane leaves in 24 hours and I haven't even started packing! I hope everyone has a wonderful month and I'll be back in August with lots of photos and stories to share.
Congratulations on being published and on designing and making the bag. Sorry, I can't help you with the quilting - I quilt by hand.
Have a wonderful vacation.
Congrats on the win! Haven't picked up the mag yet, but Ill be sure to have a good look at your roo. Bag looks fab too.
Have a great holiday!
wow they look great must get the new mag........congrats on your little project being published.........
Congratulations! You're a celebtrity now. Lovely Christmas goodies. Did you have a walking foot on the machine? Had the tension been altered? Your bag looks terrific - I love the fabric you have used. Start packing! Hope you have a fantastic trip. Ann :)
Wow Renee! How fantastic. I can't wait for my copy to arrive so I can have a peek. Have a great holiday too!
Yay! Congrats Renee!! I'm so glad you got to see Kangaruby in the magazine before you left. Have a great trip!
Wow that is soo great i love the kanga too he is too cute
and the bag is awesome enjoy the trip and hope to hear from you soon keep up the good work on quilting its just a trial and keep going event
take care
ter usa
Hope you have a fantastic holiday. If you are going to wash your quilt try spray basting it. Congrats on being published.
I did see your kanga in the mag........lovely books too.........enjoy the holiday......
I deleted your web address!!!!! I did see you in homespun though!!! I loved your kangaroo!! I've been googling random words to see if it's throw up your site.... finally I found it!!! so... if you google platypus, visitors, kanagaroo, homespun .... it gets you! Glad to see your picture in Homespun! It's exciting when it's someone we all know of!! Congrats!!
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