My Mum is a quilter too. I discovered the world of patchwork and quilting when Mum took me to a quilt show about 4 or 5 years ago. Mum also bought me my first sewing machine for Christmas (which I still use) about 12 months after that. We did classes together too, one Saturday morning a month (with Mum's good friend and her daughter also) for a couple of years until my husband and I moved to Sydney. It's lovely to have a hobby that we can share.
Whenever I visit my parents, Mum and I always end up in her sewing room (formerly my childhood bedroom), where I go through all her new fabric and check out her latest projects. Over Christmas I was able to sneak a peak at Mum's quilt for my new baby cousin Belle. I asked if I could show it off here because I think it is gorgeous and thankfully she agreed.
I really like how bright it is!

The back:

Mum is also an avid gardener. I didn't get any pics of her vegetable patch while I was there - but let me tell you, it is seriously impressive! I did grab a few pics of her flowers though.

There are lots of daisies
And Chinese lanterns

And roses. This rose, if I remember corectly, is called 'Circus' and was picked by my sister when we were much younger. I chose another rose called 'Peace' which grows outside Mum's sewing room window.
And Mum gave me a stack of new fabric for Christmas too - I am currently trying to find the perfect project for the two pink ones in the middle.

Lovely to have a mum like that, with whom you can share such wonderful things!
I love the backing fabric on that quilt! The colours are gorgeous! I got my mother hooked on quilting, although she taught me to sew when I was a child and we didn't start the quilting part until I was in my early 30's. I have inherited all her fabric now and can make quilts until the end of time, I think!
It is wonderful! I love bright!
That quilt is a real sweetie. Your mum seems to be a nuturing soul. How lovely that you share your quilting experiences. Nice fabrics, too.
Happy Stitching...Ann :)
Simone - it is lovely to share an interest with my Mum, and it means I don't have to go to quilt shows on my own
Hi Pretentious wombat - whose real name I cannot find! I like the backing too. Mum and I have been known to swap a lot of fabrics - especially when we were both working on our Leanne's house quilt - mine is predominantly pink and green, and Mum's is yellow and purple.
Thanks for visiting Kate, I like bright too!
Ann - my Mum is definitely a nurturing soul - she is a wonderful Mum :)
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