Giving. With no expectation of anything in return. Not even a thankyou.

This year we decided that we had to re-evaluate our reasons for giving Christmas presents. Last year I was very disheartened when one of the presents I had spent some time putting together was barely even unwrapped before being placed aside. I had to prompt the recipient to continue opening the packaging because there was more in there that they hadn't even gotten to.
Afterwards, I started to think about why I had given this person a present in the first place.
Was it because I felt I had to?
Or because I wanted a thankyou and a present in return?
Or because I wanted to give them something nice that they would enjoy?
I realised it was a bit of all three. I felt I had to buy them a present, and I expected at least a thankyou in return, but the effort I went to putting the present together was because I wanted to ensure it was something they would enjoy.
So this year I have decided that the frustration and even resentment that I felt after observing their response to my present was not worth it. And so this Christmas we are giving presents simply because we want to. For the simple pleasure of giving. In the knowledge that we have spent time thinking about what each person would like and enjoy. And I'm not going to give the presents that I have felt that I have to give. This year, the only presents I will be giving are the ones I want to give. And I don't expect anything in return.
I don't for one second think that it will be as easy as that. If I am faced with a situation similar to last years, I'm sure I will get frustrated. But I hope to be able to quickly remind myself of my motives, and then move on.
And so today I began my giving. Another pointy kitty went looking for a home today in Inner West Sydney as part of the
Toy Society Worldwide Christmas drop. I was drop #36 and the last time I checked there was over 50 drops reported. All those toys being dropped in the hope that someone will rescue them, and knowing that you may never know what happened to them or even hear from the recipient. But I did it because I wanted to. And I hope someone gets as much joy from Miss pointy kitty as I have.